Tutti a tavola 2023
Totally blown away by the generosity and kindness of everyone who attended #tuttiatavola2023
Thank you to all our Sponsors and supporters, especially Mr Vince Garreffa and everyone at Mondo Community Warriors.
A big thank you to Josh Gray Head Chef Longview Cottesloe and his wonderful Kitchen crew.
Amazing Food, Entertainment and Prizes.
Total Money Raised
Do yourself a favour and Save the Date for Tutti a Tavola 2024...the Best Sunday Lunch Next Year!

Thank you for making this event possible
Our Generous Sponsors

A message from the ceo
Thank You for supporting Sudbury House’s Anti-Poverty Week charity lunch, “Tutti a Tavola 2023.
A huge acknowledgement is extended to Mr Vince Garreffa and everyone at Mondo Warriors for helping us coordinate the event and create this entertaining and taste-celebration.
Special thanks are also offered to Josh Gray, Head Chef of the Longview Restaurant, and his Team for volunteering their time and talent to create “THE BEST SUNDAY LUNCH “in Perth this year!
Deepest gratitude is also extended to each of the dedicated community champions; the volunteers and staff of Sudbury House, not only for their wonderful efforts in making today happen, but for their ongoing and enduring commitment to selflessly giving so much to community on a daily basis.
“Tutti a Tavola” or “everyone to the table” aligns with Sudbury House Mission that everyone has a right to basic needs and family connection. Using food and connection, today’s event assists Sudbury House to address the societal inequities that compromise family outcomes. Food has always been a powerful and universal medium for connection. We are hopeful today that it also connects you greater to our cause.
Today’s fundraiser returns 100% of proceeds toward our Project Dignity operation and it is your attendance and generous contributing that makes a difference.
Project Dignity is an unfunded emergency relief initiative providing food, laundry, connection, and support services to the vulnerable. The need is increasing due to the growing proportion of people struggling with worsening financial hardship and housing crisis pressures. In August 2023, over 200 disadvantaged families and 670 individuals were supported, including 297 children. Over 2 tons of food was distributed, and 24 Agencies were involved. The support provided enables these individuals and families to avoid or manage homelessness, achieve dignity, be connected with specialist services to progress other life areas whilst having their basic needs met. Despite being an unfunded service, Project Dignity is now regularly used by other Government, community, and support group organisations as an access hub where people are directed to receive aid and this demand continues to grow.
Further acknowledgement is offered to all our dignitaries, the City of Stirling, prize donors, event sponsors, event support staff, entertainers and our MC Verity James.
And a final, but foremost acknowledgement, is offered to the people from community who choose to access support from Sudbury House. Thank you to those people who have the courage to choose a better future and thank you for allowing Sudbury House to be involved in the journey.
We warmly welcome you to please enjoy this event.
We warmly welcome you to also stay close to the work of Sudbury House as a united and collective approach is required to ensure all children, individuals and families have opportunities to thrive.